Born in South Africa to mixed European parents, I moved to Italy after being awarded a scholarship from the Italian Foreign Ministry. Studies; BA with majors in Psychology, English and Dramatic Arts - specializing in Television Production, MA in Interaction from Domus Academy/University of Wales. Certifications: TESOL (teaching english second language). Advanced level Controlled Remote Viewing with Lyn Buchanan + Med Apps, Certified CRV trainer. Biodanza (bodywork) facilitator, Art therapy diploma, diploma in Applied arts - mosaic, Family Constellations facilitator. Also practicing Psychogeneology, and Psychomagic.  Career began in South Africa, as a newspaper then cinema publicity stills photographer. In Milan, over 10 years as a Print and TV producer. Followed with a teaching experience in a Waldorf Primary school, Music & Movement and Creativity workshops with adults and children, privately and in public schools. Operational Remote Viewing, clarvoyant consulting.

Facilitation using movement therapy techniques combined with creative and ritual practices in order to help people connect with their subconscious through body based learning to access knowledge, joy and the realization of their genetic potentials.

© Coral Carte 2022, Milan, Italy 
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